Website API

Website Information

A returned website is only for informational purposes and consists of the following information:

Website Name      [name]
The current website name.
Support URL      [supportURL]
The url of the support system.
Support Email Address      [supportEmail]
The support email address.
Branded Email Address      [brandedEmail]
The branded email address that is currently assigned.

Side Bar Code      [sideCode]
Returns html code to be placed on website to display sidebar support popup.

Text Link Code      [textCode]
Returns html code to be placed on website to display a text link to popup the support system.

Iframe Code      [iframeCode]
Returns html code to be placed on website to display an iframe to submit a ticket.

This method returns website information.

You will need to use the required information, and may need to use the optional information below.

Optional Information:

Required Information:

Example 1:[apiCode]

Example 2:[apiCode]&masterColor=[masterColor]&onlineText=[onlineText]&offlineText=[offlineText]&offset=[offset]&departmentList=[departmentList]&responseType=json

PHP Curl Example
<?php $request = curl_init('[apiCode]');
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($request);
echo $result;


Account Options
